
This is the comprehensive list of organizations and companies that this site owes credit to. This includes technologies and images used.


BootStrap - A huge thanks to bootstrap for their awesome framework

Jquery - Thanks to Jquery for their awesome javaScript library

Pug - Thanks to Pug for their awesome templating engine

SCSS - Thanks to SCSS for their great CSS pre-processor

Sublime Text - Thanks to Sublime Text for their exceptional text editor

GitHub - Thanks to GitHub for helping us manage our code

Click Computers Inc. - Thanks to Click Computers for generously hosting our site - Thanks to for providing background images

Trello - Thanks to Trello for keeping us organized

Animate.css - Thanks to Animate.css for powering our animations

Waypoints - Thanks to Waypoints for helping with our animations

Font Awesome - Thanks to Font Awesome for supplying awesome icons


Sparkles - Thanks to Sparkles for giving us permission to use their images

Glo Mini Golf - Thanks to Glo Mini Golf for letting us use their images

Flickr - Thanks to Flickr for providing our management pictures

High Voltage Indoor Karting - Thanks to High Voltage Indoor Karting for allowing us to use their images

Fat Daddy's Arcade - Thanks to Fat Daddy's Arcade for supplying some astounding pictures